Purchasing a meal is the best deal for your money! To be charged the meal price (instead of à la carte pricing) the student must take at least 3 out of the 5 items offered, and one of those items must be a fruit or vegetable choice.
The five items are:
- Protein;
- 1 Fruit (except for high school). They may have 2 fruits or 1 fruit and 1 juice
- 1 of each vegetable offered
- a Bread/Grain choice; and
- Milk choice.
BMS & Fine Arts Academy |
High School
All Staff
All Child Visitors
Paid Lunch $2.85 |
$2.95 |
$4.75 |
$2.85 |
Reduced Lunch .40 |
.40 |
Meals for 5 days
Paid $14.25; Reduced $2.00) |
Meals for 5 days Paid $14.25;
Reduced $2.00) |
Some of our items can count as 2 items, (Protein and Bread/Grain): Hamburger, Pizza, Sandwich, Spaghetti and meatballs. If a student only wants a few items they will be charged individual prices. See below for prices.